1. 标题
· 一种基于邻近效应的暗目标提取方法—以裂缝提取为例
· A Dark Target Detection Method Based on the Adjacency Effect: A Case Study on Crack Detection
2. 成果信息
· Li Yu, Yugang Tian*, Wei Wu. (2019). A Dark Target Detection Method Based on the Adjacency Effect: A Case Study on Crack Detection. Sensors. 19.
· 资助项目:National Key Research and Development Program (Grant No.2018YFB1004600).
3. 成果团队成员
4. 成果介绍
1. 研究意义
2. 方法设计
1) 一种高低阈值暗目标检测策略
Figure 1. Concept map of Low-High threshold detection strategy. And (a) is the conceptual map consists of noise, dark target and bright background. (b) is the conceptual map of detected result using a low threshold. (c) is the conceptual map of detected result using a high threshold. (d) is the conceptual map of rough detection result using the low-high threshold detection strategy.
3 结果展示
以混凝土护坡的伸缩缝检测为例,canny-morphology 和SWT 算法作对比,结果对比图如下:
Figure 2. Detection accuracy for expansion joints of all images. And (a) is the Precision curves using the proposed method, the canny_morphology method, and the SWT Algorithm. (b) is the Recall curves using the proposed method, the canny_morphology method, and the SWT Algorithm. (c) is the F-measure curves of using the proposed method, the canny_morphology method, and the SWT Algorithm.
Figure 3. Four typical partial examples of expansion joint detection. Columns from left to right are the original images, manually drawn sketches, rough detection results using the proposed method, accurate detection results using the proposed method, detection results using the canny-morphology method, rough detection results using the SWT algorithm and accurate detection results using the SWT algorithm.
4 创新点
1) 首次将邻近效应应用于暗目标检测。
2) 提出了一种高低阈值检测策略和自适应阈值选取方法。
3) 将文本检测的SWT算法引入到伸缩缝检测,并与本文提出的方法进行对比。