1. 标题
· Discovering frequent movement paths from taxi trajectory data using spatially embedded networks and association rules
· 基于空间图和关联规则的出租车轨迹数据频繁移动路径挖掘
2. 成果信息
· Wenhao Yu*. Discovering frequent movement paths from taxi trajectory data using spatially embedded networks and association rules. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2019, 20 (3), 855-866.
3. 成果团队成员
· 禹文豪,博士,中国地质大学(武汉)华人策略研究论坛,副教授,主要从事地图综合、空间数据挖掘和智慧城市应用等研究。(联系邮箱;个人网站:
4. 成果介绍

(a) (b)
图 1. 海洋环流与交通频繁路径比较。(Blue lines indicate the type of ‘path’ with different origin and destination, and red lines indicate the type of ‘cycle’ with the same origin and destination.)
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Example of the modeling of travel flows: (a) raw taxi trajectory data, (b) spatially embedded flow network with edge weight (arrows’ thickness) equal to corresponding probabilities of movement between sub-regions.
Fig. 3. Identifying the movement paths in the spatially embedded network as presented in Fig. 2, by using Algorithm 1. E.1 (green lines), E.2 (red lines) and E.3 (black lines) are the movement paths obtained from the trajectory data.
Fig. 4. Frequent movement paths during the whole time period with cell size 1 km × 1 km, time interval 1 hour, and support threshold 0.0008.